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persimpangan rel kereta api bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "persimpangan rel kereta api"
  • That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter-mile away.
    Itu persimpangan rel kereta api sana persis seperempat-mil jauhnya.
  • New Jalpaiguri and New Alipurduar are the nearest large railway junctions.
    New Jalpaiguri dan New Alipurduar adalah persimpangan rel kereta api terdekat.
  • The 18th Pomeranian Uhlans spotted a group of German infantry resting in a clearing in the Tuchola Forest heath near the railroad crossroads of Chojnice – Runowo Pomorskie line.
    Uhlans Pomeranian ke-18 melihat sekelompok infanteri Jerman beristirahat di tempat terbuka di Hutan Tuchola dekat persimpangan rel kereta api jalur Chojnice – Runowo Pomorskie.
  • On 7 August 1888, less than two weeks before the authorisation was to expire, the directors of the Oxford, Aylesbury and Metropolitan Junction Railway Company received Royal Assent for a revised and cheaper version.
    Pada 7 agustus 1888, kurang dari dua minggu sebelum otorisasi karena berakhir, direksi dari Oxford, Aylesbury dan Metropolitan Persimpangan Rel kereta api.